Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Humans Fail as Stewards

Many scientists consider humans as the most invasive species, as humans can greatly change an environment and impact living things that reside there. Are we being stewards of the world? Take a look at an issue in which human intervention has positively or negatively affected the biodiversity of our ecosystems.

Stewardship; the moral and ethical responsibility for care-taking on the behalf of others. In my opinion, forcing numerous species into extinction and releasing several tonnes of pollutants into the atmosphere each day, is neither ethical nor moral. As the most intelligent species on the planet, we felt it was only right that we appoint ourselves with the responsibility of managing Earth. If you asked the millions of other species that reside on our planet, I’m sure they’d disag
ree with us when we call ourselves "stewards".

In the book of Genesis, when God created the Earth he said;
Now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all the animals, domestic and wild, large and small.
Do you think God would have given us this power if he knew we would abuse it in the ways we are today?

After seeing an image as astonishing as this, we may ask ourselves “Who could do such a thing to an animal so innocent?”
Well the truth is WE are doing this. Everyone is contributing to this horrible injustice. When we take a car to get to school, when we buy those pair of jeans that were manufactured halfway across the world and even when we purchase a bottle of water, we are consuming energy. Although you may not notice, most of our everyday activities require the use of an energy source. When we purchase a product, a lot of the time it wasn’t made locally, therefore energy was used not only in the production of this product but also in the transportation of it. A lot of the energy we use comes from burning fossil fuels. When we burn these fu
els we are releasing CO2 gases into Earth’s atmosphere. These gases build up in Earth’s lower atmosphere and prevent heat from the sun’s rays from escaping into space. The build up of these gases results in the polar bear’s biggest threat to their survival: climate change.

Climate change is just one of the many ways human intervention has negatively impacted the biodiversity of our ecosystem. I think many of the environmental issues we face today are a result of our undying need as humans to intervene and change what doesn’t need changing. Humans have the belief that everything needs improving, and it’s this belief that has led to many changes in our world that we could have done without.
Lets take the bottled water industry a
s an example; we were fine with drinking tap water before the invention of bottled water. Beginning with the production process and ending in our vending machines at school; bottled water leaves a great deal of CO2 emissions along its path. Energy is used in the factory to make the plastic bottle, and then used again to ship these bottles to our school and once they’re here, even more energy is used to refrigerate them in our vending machines. Don’t you think this is a bit too much for a little plastic bottle that we’ll use for only a few minutes; then eventually throw away? 650 million water bottles are being thrown into Ontario’s landfills each year, only 35% of these bottles get recycled. Bottled water is not necessary for our survival, it is a luxury that we have and can do without.
I am not saying that
evolution is bad. As a matter of fact, I’m both amazed and appreciative of the many inventions that are being used today. But at some point we need to ask ourselves “to what extent are we willing to go in order to satisfy our desires?” I strongly believe that it is possible to make new developments and at the same time be mindful of the millions of other species living on Earth. If all the other species of the world can coexist with one another, why should humans be an exception? Each day, we need to keep in mind that the Earth doesn't belong to us,
and what we do to it affects all of Earth's inhabitants. If we are going to accept the responsibility of being a steward, we are also responsible for the maintenance of Earth. As stewards we should be maintaining a symbiotic relationship with our planet, but until that happens, we cannot call ourselves stewards of the world. And now I leave you with a Native American Proverb!

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."

Works Cited
Clean Air and Energy


  1. Hey Amanda, good job with your blog.

    I agree with the topic you discussed about how humans are constantly trying to improve things.
    I understand that these improvements are usually beneficial to us, but sometimes they are just simply unecessary.
    An example I could give you would be that of the ever-popular iPod.
    Is it really that important for new iPod models to be made every year or two? I don't see why so much money is being put into the production of
    these iPods when it could be put towards a better cause. Such a large effort is being taken to make something better when it is still perfectly fine and
    usable. Imagine if that same effort was put into helping our environment? That would surely have a big impact.

    The information you gave about water bottles also really got me thinking and made me realize how I need to invest in a good reusable water bottle.
    It is ridiculous how much waste plastic water bottles create and that only a small amount of them are actually being recycled. We need to raise more
    awareness over how bad plastic water bottles are. I remember reading in an article that tap water and water filters were actually better for our health as
    opposed to the plastic water bottles. So thanks for sharing that information about how much damage plastic water bottles are doing.

    Okay, bye!

  2. heeeyyy,
    Really like how you cited the bible. Credibility aside, it is something that i had never thought of. Excellent information about the plastic bottles. I also liked the picture. The sheer reality your presentation of the facts was staggering. Personally i think plastic bottles are utterly useless. They start to decompose as soon as you open the cap, and therefore also present a safety hazard when the liquid they are holding is ingested. Plus bottled water costs waay to much anyway and i wouldn't buy it to save the presidents life. Umm... just so you know,my blog kinda conflicts with yours. so if you want to gain a different perspective, just read mine. Lol but take your time, i just put it up, and it may not be in the list.
    Native american proverb = nice. It made me think. those americans... cool cats. Unfortunately consumerism is a way of life here, and products are made to reflect that. A major paradigm shift would need to occur in order to change! but its possible. People are tempered to only care about something if they can relate to it personally or be able to put a face on it. YOU just put a face on "that problem somewhere" by showing its effects and what the real problems are! woo

  3. Nice blog. Now I understand what is the difference between Natural and artificial selection. Now I know why our livestocks are completely perfect for our need and why are the plants and vegetables we eat tastes so perfectly while wild plants tastes bad. I also fully understand now why dogs have so many different kinds. But I don't agree that we should not use artificial selection to produce new species. I think we should use it to produce the best species we need so we can survive and enjoy tasty food. But I also think that artificial selection can cause one species to be extinct because we only reproduce the desirable species and the not desirable species will have a difficulty on reproducing and eventually goes extinct. But still I prefer artificial than natural selection
