Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Artificial Selection: Leave well enough alone!

Artificial selection has resulted in plants that are more disease-resistant, cows that produce more milk, and racehorses that run faster. One must wonder what will come next. In the blog entry, answer the following question –under what circumstances should humans be artificially selecting plants or animals, if any?

So once upon a time, I was at the mall
and went to PJ’s pet store to look at all the animals and decided to get a pet hamster! I saw such a wide variety of hamsters; the very common golden hamster, white, black, brown, fluffy and smooth. I thought that the idea of a black hamster was very strange, yet at the same time, interesting, I finally decided on a black Syrian hamster. Whenever someone would see him, they would
“I didn’t know hamsters came in black.”

So I decided to do a little research…

The many variations of the Syrian hamster originated from a single female and her litter of pups found in Northern Syria in April 1930. This female was used to establish a captive breeding program from which the first domestic hamsters were created. Syrian hamsters came in just one colour, golden brown, but through artificial selection have since developed a wide range of colours and patterns such as brown, white, black, blonde, banded, tortoiseshell, and calico. I couldn’t believe that my tiny little hamster was the product of many years of science and breeding.

After researching the origin of my hamster, I concluded that artificial selection was unnecessary, and that I wouldn’t care if my hamster was a different colour. Having a variety of hamster colours neither benefits or disadvantages me or my hamster, it’s just unnecessary.

What exactly is artificial selection?
Artificial selection, or selective breeding is the reproduction of individuals that have desirable traits. Two adults that posse
ss a desired trait –such as two dogs that are small- are bred together and the next generation of dogs will be even smaller. If artificial selection is continued, the population will be small.

Many many years ago, the wolf was domesticated and became man’s best friend. The hundreds of different domestic dog breeds that are present today were created through artificial selection.

When I researched dog breeds I found that
artificial selection in pets has disadvantages. Selective breeding can lead to selecting genetic defects. For example large breed dogs, such as Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and Labradors are known to have a heritable condition called Canine Hip Dysplasia. Canine Hip Dysplasia is a very painful condition of abnormal formation in the hip socket which causes joint instability and sometimes arthritis. In the case of selective breeding within dogs, artificial selection demonstrates a disadvantage for the dog and owner.

Almost the entire farming industry from crops to livestock is based on the technology of artificial selection. Corn for example, didn’t exist until many many years ago. Before corn was in another form -teosinte- corn’s tinier and less tasty cousin. Artificial selection in agriculture is responsible for many modern day vegetables in addition to corn that we have come to know and love. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collards and kale are have all originated from the same wild mustard plant.

The meats we eat are yet another product of artificial selection. In the 1950s, it took 84 days to raise a 5 lb chicken, however thanks to selective breeding, scientists have made it possible to for a chicken to
grow more than its full size in only 45 days. By accelerating the chicken’s growth rate, farmers’ profit is increased, but at the same time, many health problems arise amongst the chickens. These types of chickens are called broiler chickens, they are bred to eat a lot and have low levels of activity for the sole purpose of tender meat production. Since they are putting on weight so rapidly, a broiler chicken’ bone growth is outpaced by the growth of their muscles and fat which leads to many leg disorders causing crippling lameness. These birds are growing so quickly that many of them cannot walk very far, let alone stand up.

a broiler chicken alongside a layer hen (a hen This boiler chicken is unable to support itself

raised to lay eggs) at same age of six weeks

At first I was against artificial selection because of the heritable deformities in pets and the abusive ways it is used in meat production. I thought that the only positive use for artificial selection was in crops knowing that it is how corn and many other vegetables came to be. However, there is one more downside to artificial selection. Artificial selection reduces the genetic diversity in the gene pools in selectively bred populations. Species need their genetic variation to resist a variety of diseases, but without this variation, populations are vulnerable and could be wiped out by a small change in environmental conditions.

In conclusion, there are both disadvantages and advantages to artificial selection. Just as a knife can be used for good intentions (such as slicing vegetables), it can just as easily be used for bad intentions (like stabbing someone with it), artificial selection is good with good intentions (like breeding cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage from a mustard plant) and bad with bad intentions (like breeding chickens to grow in 45 days). Just as I have said in my previous blogs, humans are always striving towards perfection whether it is through designer babies or our other many advancements in technology. Artificial selection is another one of the many ways we have tried to alter nature to suit our preferences. When we try to perfect something, it is usually only “perfect” in our eyes and seldom does it benefit anyone else other than ourselves. To what extent are we willing to go to satisfy our desires? Is having a pure bred golden retriever worth your dog suffering from Canine Hip Dysplasia? Humans need to learn to leave well enough alone.

Works Cited













  1. Hey Amanda! I really liked your post about this topic - it was really well thought out and descriptive. It really made me think about how necessary artificial selection is, and you're right - it isn't really. I agree with the fact that you said that artificial selection has it's pros and cons, and I agree - we should really just leave nature alone as God intended it.
    Oh right - one thing that I really liked about your post, by the way, was the analogy with the knife:
    "Just as a knife can be used for good intentions (such as slicing vegetables), it can just as easily be used for bad intentions (like stabbing someone with it).."
    Very clever, and it makes the topic somewhat easier to understand.
    Anyway, this was a good read. Good job! :)

  2. hi, Amanda!
    I think your blog is thought out thoroughly I really enjoyed how you decided to begin your blog with your own experience. Your blog describes how Artificial selection benefits our society but at the same time the disadvantage involved in the process. In my opinion I’m not too fond of artificial selection when animals are involved with it, since in many circumstances animals are affected by this process. Many animals received genetic defects from the use of artificial selection, just to please humans’ desire for certain types of genes and characteristics. In my perspective I think artificial selection should only be used for necessary reasons such as to protect endangered animals or to help animals to overcome illnesses. Artificial selection seems to be more positive when it refers to crops. However I agree artificial selection does reduce the genetic diversity in the gene pools of bred population. Anyways over you blog explained the term artificial selection pretty well!

  3. Really its nice information the passport workshop with Jamie and Nichole was absolutely fantastic! I think artificial selection should only be used for necessary reasons such as to protect endangered animals or to help animals to overcome illnesses. Artificial selection seems to be more positive when it refers to crops. However I agree artificial selection does reduce the genetic diversity in the gene pools of bred population. I’m so glad I attended as I came away with so many resources as well as a whole lot of inspiration! Thanks for sharing.
    pet toys

  4. Nice blog you have. I do agree of what you said. We should leave it alone like how it is really designed. But sometimes I agree because there are positive sides which benefits us humans. But this makes me think too that it also has negative sides which can affect other organism. Artificial selection should be only used for necessary reasons. Thank You for sharing !

  5. Hi Amanda! I enjoyed how you decided to begin your blog with your personal experience. I am really glad to read this information about artificial selection. These would help students, like me, know more about artificial selection. At first, I thought that the positive use for artificial selection was only in crops knowing that it is how corn and many other vegetables came to be. Now that I've learned that most pets or any other animals we see today are products from artificial selection, I came into realization that we live in world full of high technologies so I've got no doubts why these things occur. Well, others might say that artificial selection is helpful for necessary reasons such as to protect endangered animals or to help animals to overcome illnesses. Not only it is helpful but it also had negative effects which might have lead some people to think that artificial selection is a bad thing after all. I really agree with you that humans need to learn to leave well enough alone.
    Oh right- one thing that I really liked about your post, by the way, was the analogy with the knife:
    "Just as a knife can be used for good intentions (such as slicing vegetables), it can just as easily be used for bad intentions (like stabbing someone with it).."
    So clever, that you made the topic more understandable. Anyway, this was a good read. Good Job!

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I really appreciate your blog with your own experience. your blog describes how artificial selection benefits in our society, at the same time the advantages and disadvantages involved in the process. Artificial selection is the process of unintentional modification. advantages of this, it creates new genes for animals by which human control the development of animals by choosing where traits should be passed onto offspring. I also agree with the fact that said artificial selection has its pros and cons. we should really leave nature alone as God intended it

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi amanda! I really like your blog. I am glad to read this information. Your blog helps me to understand more about artificial selection. These would help a lot of students just like me. I agree that artificial selection has it's pros and cons and I agree also that artificial selection should only be used for necessary reasons such as to protect endangered animals or to help animals overcome illnesses. Anyway your blog is really good.

  11. Hey Amanda! It's nice that I have read your post. I found it interesting. Our recent topic in Science was all about biodiversity and evolution and one of its sub topic is Artificial Selection. Your post helped me to understand more about our topic. You were right that artificial selection has both advantages and disadvantages. You discussed about how the artificial selection benefits our society. It is good that through artificial selection, we can protect the clan of the endangered species. But it's not good that also through artificial selection, we can pass the illness of an organism to another organism. Thank you for the information that you have shared.

  12. Hello Amanda! Your blog is very informative. It's really good to think that you came from this kind of blog because of your curiosity. I was stuck if it's either advantageous or not but when i read your blog, it gave answers. Artificial selection is a human's choice or desire. It makes me feel sad that those cute dogs might be having a disease that human caused them and same to those chickens. But the same time, artificial selection is the reason why we can eat corns deliciously and easily. Overall, artificial selection is only advantageous to human. Actually, artificial selection is our current lesson. This blog is great! Thank Youu! I hope you black hamster will be fine always!!

  13. Hi amanda now that i have i read your post, i have finally uderstand well artificial selection, all along i thought it only benefits our society but now that i have read this it has disadvantages that could cause problems to certain species like they become sick and until they die. There are also disadvantages like an illness of a particular species can be transferred to the new kind of species through artificial selection. Now I realize that we shoud protect the endangered species for them to not be able to die. We should also think how can we save them and to avoid to have some illness. Thank you because of your blog it gives me some new information about the artificial selection.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi amanda your thoughts about artificial selection is really great i have understand every details of it, knowing that artificial selection can benefit our society is good but nothing is perfect right? In your blog you have said the disadvantages of artificial selection and i really did'nt know that it could cause problem to some species just like the dog that you mentioned Canine Hip Dysplasiais the illness that a dog could have. Canine Hip Dysplasia is a very painful condition of abnormal formation in the hip socket which causes joint instability and sometimes arthritis. In the case of selective breeding within dogs, artificial selection demonstrates a disadvantage for the dog and owner.

  16. Hi amanda, I thank you for posting this blog because I now understand how the artificial selection happen and it made me understand it more this time because of how you use your personal experience in discussing. It was well descriptive. I am really glad to read this information about artificial selection. Your blog really help a students like me to know more about artificial selection.
    honestly I really have a hard time understanding how artificial selection is and now your blog help me with this thing.

    These new ways of creating different animals, plants and humans are very interesting. The fact that humans are able to create what God himself has created, makes people doubt his existence. Artificial selection is a wonder to us all, and the things that are accomplished are extraordinary. It is through artificial selection that many animals these days are able to keep from destruction. Artificial selection gives these animals a few qualities that allow them to adapt to their environment in order to remain alive. Many species such as the dog and the bears are endangered species that can possibly be saved through artificial selection.

  17. Hi amanda!
    I am really glad to have read your blog, it helped me so much since our recent topic in science was about biodiversity , natural selection and artificial selection, you helped me to gain more knowledge about artificial selection it was really unexpected for me tk know that while artificial selection benefits us humans it also have negative effects knto other organisms, I agreed to what you say that That humans should really learned to live enough alone and that Artificial selection should be only used for necessary reason. It was really great that i had the chance to read your blogs and i hope you will post more blogs that can help us students, thankyou and godbless.

  18. Good day Amanda!

    I have read your blog and it is very interesting as it was all about your own experiences in an environment with artificial selection. As we choose animals to take a s a pet, we select the ones with the desirable characteristics and I have learned that artificial selection would not be always good because other species will die since no one is able to attract its desirable characteristics and only those attractive are being selected. this blog helped me a lot as we are also discussing all about artificial selection. I appreciated your blog and as a student, I would hopefully expect more blogs from you that can help us in our studies.

    Thanks and more power!

  19. Hi Amanda!

    I have read your blog and it helped me a lot in understanding our lesson and it was all about biodiversity and evolution which includes there is the artificial selection. i learned that many species sometimes because of the negative effects of artificial selection which is selecting the good characteristics that an animals have. And because other organisms are separated or not being chosen, they sometimes not protected and died easily. as i read your blog, I clearly know now what artficial selection is. so, thank you for this blog and good day once again!

  20. hi Amanda!

    I was happy to read your blog since it was all about our topic now which is Artificial selection. i have learned that in artificial selection, some organisms just died because they have less time to be given protection because of their undesirable characteristics. i also learned deeper what an artificial selection is. And it is all about selecting an animal with the desirable characterstics. i hope that you can still be able to post more good blogs to be learned by us. thank you!

  21. Hi amanda, Im so grateful that I have read your blog about artificial selection. It helps me to expand my knowledge and learn more about artificial selection especially that we have tackled it in oir claas. I have read that artificial selection doesn't always have advantages but it also have disadvantages in our society ad it was unexpected for me because all this time I thought that artificial selection always bring goods in our society yet it does not because in your example an organisms (dog in your example)had a disease because of artificial selection. Im so thankful for you and I hope that you continue to post more topics in your blog to help students like me.

  22. Hi amanda, Im so grateful that I have read your blog about artificial selection. It helps me to expand my knowledge and learn more about artificial selection especially that we have tackled it in oir claas. I have read that artificial selection doesn't always have advantages but it also have disadvantages in our society ad it was unexpected for me because all this time I thought that artificial selection always bring goods in our society yet it does not because in your example an organisms (dog in your example)had a disease because of artificial selection. Im so thankful for you and I hope that you continue to post more topics in your blog to help students like me.

  23. Hi amanda, Im so grateful that I have read your blog about artificial selection. It helps me to expand my knowledge and learn more about artificial selection especially that we have tackled it in oir claas. I have read that artificial selection doesn't always have advantages but it also have disadvantages in our society ad it was unexpected for me because all this time I thought that artificial selection always bring goods in our society yet it does not because in your example an organisms (dog in your example)had a disease because of artificial selection. Im so thankful for you and I hope that you continue to post more topics in your blog to help students like me.

  24. Hi amanda, Im so grateful that I have read your blog about artificial selection. It helps me to expand my knowledge and learn more about artificial selection especially that we have tackled it in oir claas. I have read that artificial selection doesn't always have advantages but it also have disadvantages in our society ad it was unexpected for me because all this time I thought that artificial selection always bring goods in our society yet it does not because in your example an organisms (dog in your example)had a disease because of artificial selection. Im so thankful for you and I hope that you continue to post more topics in your blog to help students like me.

  25. Hi Amanda, your blog is very helpful for me as a student. I have understand every details that you have tackled about artificial selection and it was an interesting topic for us as a student. So artificial selection is the process of selecting certain parents of organisms in other term selective breeding. And I had learned that the purpose of selective breeding is to deliberately mate organisms so that their offspring will or can have the desired characteristics from atleast one of their parents. And I had also learned in your blog the difference of natural selection amd artificial selection in which the natural selection is a natural evolutionary that organisms go through and artificial selection is an selection in which the humans played the role of an "environment" and im so thankful to read your blog because it helps me to expand my knowledge about artificial selection and natural selecetion and I hope that you will continue to post more topics in your blog to help us students. God bless

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I think your blog is thought out thoroughly I really enjoyed how you decided to begin your blog with your own experience. Your blog describes how Artificial selection benefits our society but at the same time the disadvantage involved in the process. In my opinion I’m not too fond of artificial selection when animals are involved with it, since in many circumstances animals are affected by this process.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I think your blog is thought out thoroughly I really enjoyed how you decided to begin your blog with your own experience. Your blog describes how Artificial selection benefits our society but at the same time the disadvantage involved in the process. In my opinion I’m not too fond of artificial selection when animals are involved with it, since in many circumstances animals are affected by this process.

  30. Hello Amanda, I really liked your post about this topic. It really made me think about how necessary artificial selection is? -isn't really good. I've read that it has advantages and disadvantages. Before, I thought that artificial selection has an advantageous effects in our environment. But now I have read that it has a disadvantages in all organisms . For example, the certain disease of a human can be transfer to his/her fellow human beings. So that's all. I am so thankful for this blog and continue in posting more topics to help us understand the beauty of environment. Thank you so much.

  31. Hello Amanda,I really liked your post about this topic which is artificial selection.It really made me think how this artificial selection benefits in our society but also their is a disadvantage in this.It really helps me expand my knowledge about this and learn more.but sometimes I do agree on what you said because their are positive side that benefits us human but also this made me think too that it have a negative side that can affect other organism.I'm so thankful for you that you shared us some information and I hope that you continue to post more topics in your blog to help us students.

  32. The informations about this article is very useful especially to us, students, who are currently discussing the biodiversity and artificial selection. However, I don't agree in artificial selection for animals.

  33. Thanks for the information of this blog, it will really appreciated, especially for the students for discussing this blog.

  34. Thank you very much for this blog. I learned alot about artificial selection . Its advantages and disadvantages.

  35. So artificial selection is done if you have desired trait for example, animals. But it is really not necessary. What I don't like about artificial selection is it can be a cause of genetal defect in animals. So I think this should be done correctly to avoid defects in animals. Artificial selection reduces the genetic diversity in the gene pools in selectively bred populations. Species need their genetic variation to resist a variety of diseases. Although, it is good for crops, it can also cause heritable deformities in pets. So, thank you very much for this blog. It really helps a lot. Especially for students, like me, who are currently studying about artificial selection. Tho, I don't wholy agree in performing it, it still a huge help for farmers of crops.
